Common Place
Video, light, and sculpture installation at Zoller Gallery.
This installation processes multifaceted grief, contemporary loneliness during the pandemic, and paths toward healing using light, monumental form, and the accumulation of non-human and human community. The entire installation is a painting that can be experienced by walking through the space, and the reflected pulsating light drawings and looped video provide a sense of time, and the architecture of a pandemic garden.The light paintings on the wall allude to spores, contagions, and communal refractions.
Videos invite the audience to process anxiety in real time, in a safe place. Garden As a Self Portrait (Cosmos) includes manipulated video taken while tending to a garden grown during the pandemic, superimposed on a video of an artist’s panic attack in quarantine. The video is interrupted by a piece of Keep It Light, which disrupt the projection and ground the viewer in space.
Community members who hosted BUDS! In their lawns “harvested” their sculptures and hand placed them throughout the installation. The lids were also turned upside down to make them “bloom.” Thus, these sculptures’ composition in the final installation was a collaboration of a socially distanced ecosystem of care.